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Für alle, die eine Interesse an amerikanische Politik und amerikanisches Englisch haben.
Amtssprache wird englisch, aber niemand wird bestrafft wenn er/sie deutsch spricht...
Are you fascinated with, scared of, or curious about the current president and his chaotic white house? Are you interested in a factual discussion about;
- How Trump became the 45th president of the US
- What he has done (or tried to do) in the past
- What he might do in the future
- The status of the various criminal investigations
I am not a political expert, but I am a liberal democratic american that is intensely interested in what has happened and is happening. I have a good understanding of how american politics work. I followed the Watergate scandal and Nixons resignation closely. The parallels with the present scandals and president are obvious.
Everybody is welcome, but please do not come if you can not limit your discussion to information and questions that (at least in principal) can be checked for accuracy or researched by multiple news sources.
The cocktails and food are excellent and should help to keep the atmosphere pleasant.
Anmeldeschluss Montag, 27.08.2018 00:00 Uhr
Jeder für sich
Teilnehmer 1 (keine Männer und eine Frau )
Max. Teilnehmer 12 (11 freie Plätze)
Max. Begleitpersonen Keine Begleitpersonen
Zum Event anmelden