Ersa (59)

Mindfulness in plain English - Introduction to Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation

Bestätigungsevent Mindfulness in plain English - Introduction to Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation

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The benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation are well known and currently there is quite a hype around the topic.
That is basically a good thing, because learning to be mindful can bring more love, more peace, more kindness, more connection, more goodness into your life.
I say 'can bring' because like any skill it does require some regular practice.

So if you feel ready to give it a serious go, then I like to invite you to a 6 weeks introductory course in Mindfulness and Mindfulness Meditation.

This course will be in 'plain' english.
So no worries that I will use some 'fancy & posh'' english words.

You also do not have to have any experience in Mindfulness and/ or meditation - if you do, that's fine too.

I am offering this course at no cost, however what I would like participants to give and to bring to the sessions are:
- commitment to attend regularly (knowing that 'life' can be unpredictable ...)
- the intention and the curiosity to allow for the experience - your own and others
- try be there in time, if you are a little late, please ensure, that you are muted.
- if possible have a space prepared, where you can sit - quietly and undisturbed
- have your seat ready whether it is a meditation cushion/ bench or a stool - your choice
- you might want to wear comfy clothes
- maybe have an extra blanket handy, in case you get cold
- maybe a glas of water
- having handy pen and paper can be useful too
- some people might like to light a candle ( Make sure you don't burn down the house - I won't take any responsibility ! ;-)

Here is the outline of the course:
Always mondays from 7pm - 8 pm ( 19 - 20 Uhr)

Session 1 - 14.02.22
Mindful presence. Why meditate?
Session 2 - 21.02.22
Mindfulness of breath
Session 3 - 28.02.22
Mindfulness of the body
Session 4 - 07.03.22
Mindfulness of emotions
Session 5 - 14.03.22
Mindfulness of thoughts
Session 6 - 21.03.22
The wise heart, an introduction to the 4 Brahmaviharas (Metta/Loving Kindness, Karuna/Compassion, Mudita/Empathic joy, Upekkha/ Equanimity)

Each session will start with a short grounding mediation and a 'check-in', followed by a short Dharma talk related to the topic of the session, a guided meditation and there will be time for Q&A, advice on practicing in-between sessions.

This course is part of my 2 year Mindfulness Meditation teacher training with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach.
For training purposes some sessions might be recorded.
With taking part in the course, you agree to the recording.

Please note:
Places are limited.
That's why this is a 'Bestätigungsevent'.
Everyone is welcome.

However, I don't take responsibility in case in which what arises during meditation and how it might affect you, in particular if you have a history of trauma or mental health issues.

In case you have any questions, please contact me (PN).

Further information closer to the start of the course.
Looking forward seeing you there.

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Montag, 14.02.2022 19:00 Uhr


Gesundheit & Wellness, Virtuell


Anmeldeschluss Samstag, 12.02.2022 23:00 Uhr

no costs

Teilnehmer 8 (keine Männer und 8 Frauen )

Max. Teilnehmer 12 (4 freie Plätze)

Max. Begleitpersonen Keine Begleitpersonen

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